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The createModule function enables you to create a module within your store. A module is a self-contained section of the state, allowing you to manage and update specific parts of the state independently. This approach is useful when you need to work with a specific part of the state without affecting the entire store.


import { createModule } from "fluwtate";
const store = createStore({
user: { name: "John", age: 30 },
todos: [{ id: 1, task: "Learn TypeScript" }],
const userModule = createModule(store, "user");
const userState = userModule.getState();
console.log(userState); // { name: "John", age: 30 }
userModule.setState({ name: "Jane" });
console.log(userModule.getState()); // { name: "Jane", age: 30 }


  • store: The main store instance that holds the global state. This is passed as the first argument.
  • moduleName: The specific slice of the state that you want to manage. This corresponds to a key in the global state (e.g., “user” or “todos”).

Return Value

The createModule function returns an object with the following methods:

  • getState(): Returns the current state of the specified module.
  • setState(updater): Updates the state of the specified module. The updater can either be a function that receives the current state of the module and returns a new state, or a partial object to merge with the existing module state.
  • subscribe(listener): Subscribes a listener to the state changes of the specified module. The listener will only be called with changes related to the module.


Creating and Using a Module

// Create a store with user and todos slices of state
const store = createStore({
user: { name: "Alice", age: 25 },
todos: [{ id: 1, task: "Learn TypeScript" }],
// Create a module for the user slice
const userModule = createModule(store, "user");
// Get the current state of the user module
const user = userModule.getState();
console.log(user); // { name: "Alice", age: 25 }
// Update the user state
userModule.setState({ age: 26 });
console.log(userModule.getState()); // { name: "Alice", age: 26 }
// Subscribe to changes in the user module
const unsubscribe = userModule.subscribe((state) => {
console.log("User state updated:", state);
// Changing state will trigger the subscription
userModule.setState({ name: "Bob" });
// Output: "User state updated: { name: 'Bob', age: 26 }"
// Unsubscribe when done